

Hello sogoo,

As you may well know, Google recently updated Google Reader and in the process removed some features including Likes, Shares, and Notes. These features are no longer on the Google Reader interface and will soon be removed from the API. For further information on these changes, please see Google Reader's official blog: http://googlereader.blogspot.com/

The changes have affected ifttt's Google Reader channel and a number of your Tasks and Recipes. We have removed those Tasks and Recipes that involve the following defunct triggers and actions:

Triggers: New shared item, New liked item
Actions: Add note and share, Add note

However, it's not all bad news! We've added a new Google Reader trigger:

New item tagged http://ifttt.com/channels/google_reader

We plan to continue adding cool new stuff to ifttt's Google Reader channel, so keep your eyes out for the latest updates!

- The ifttt Team

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